Fade Animation + Submenu
Fade is a basic animation for this plugin and by design is always a part of any other compound animations.
Menu may have any number of items, and their style can be adjusted using CSS. Every item can have optional one-level
submenu. Menu and submenu position can be adjusted either with CSS or using abMenu properties. Using menuFloat, menuTopPosition and smTopPosition
(submenu vertical position) properties it's possible to move menu and submenu where you want and how you want.
Slide Animation
Although Fade is a basic animation, it can be expanded using {bgOffsetLeft:XX, bgOffsetTop:YY} to create a Slide animation. These properties define initial background image position and can have either positive or negative value. Also using abMenu properties it's possible to float menu right ot left.
Shift&Fade Animation + TextBox
This example uses Slide animation with small offset, what creates effect of sligth diagonal motion.
Additionally to the optional submenu (example 1), it is possible to create a sliding box with arbitrar content that will
appear when you will move mouse pointer from one menu item to another.
In general there is 18 properties ready to help you to configure abMenu.
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